What are the methods to trade single eyelids to twin eyelids - Beauty Skincare Pro

What are the methods to trade single eyelids to twin eyelids

  1. Buried wire method.

It is fitting in support of babyish populate with lean eyelids, rejection bloating, rejection permissiveness in the eyelid skin and rejection canthus redundancy. The plus is to facilitate at hand is rejection opening, the post-operative tissue retort is small, and after it fails, the innovative method or the opening method can be used to earn up in support of the patch up, leaving rejection after-effects. The disadvantage is to facilitate more generation, the better lid gather tends to be converted into shallower and narrower, and if the nodes are buried too shallowly, they may possibly be converted into exposed or form small cysts.

  1. Incision method.

It is fitting in support of all eyes to facilitate need to be tainted. The plus is to facilitate the eyelid is established and long-lasting, with a natural, three-dimensional outward show. The disadvantage is to facilitate edema is noticeable in support of a month in the manner of surgery and the scar of the opening line is more visible in support of 3 to 6 months and will die away more generation.

  1. Suture method.

This is fitting in support of populate with lean eyelids, rejection bloating, and rejection or mildly untied better lid skin not including medial canthus. The plus is to facilitate rejection incisions are made and at hand are rejection obvious scars in the manner of surgery. The disadvantage is to facilitate the total eyelid tissue is ligated and the fibers formed vary, with a small integer of bags having a shallow gather or vanishing after the scar is relaxed, and a big integer of bags having a sharp gather to facilitate is awkward to poorer.

How to fit single eyelids into twin eyelids

For the forward-looking plastic surgery rest home, twin eyelid surgery is a minor surgery, the doctor will earn applicable natural examination in support of you already the surgery to ensure the safety of the surgery. And the process of spinning single eyelids into twin eyelids will be accepted in a daze according to the following steps.

1、Design a made to order intend

Before the twin eyelid surgery, the doctor will in particular grasp the width and bend of the twin eyelid and design a made to order twin eyelid form according to all candidate’s special image temperament as well as eye profile, facial skin ratio and overall temperament. Here to be reminiscent you is to facilitate after communicating with the attending doctor, you must express your expectations as visibly as feasible with the doctor, so as to acquire your own satisfactory post-operative results.

2、The process of twin eyelid surgery by experts

The twin eyelid surgery is designed to determine the size of the twin eyelid in support of all person’s altered site, and the line is drawn with a marker according to the design line. Local anesthesia or painless anesthesia is accepted in a daze. The foremost part of the eyelid surgery procedure is to use up a 5/0 silk suture former on the junction of the intermediate and inner l/3 of the better eyelid, the widest part of the lid fissure, with a stitch through the skin on the poorer piece of the opening, this is an of the essence part of the eyelid surgery procedure. Next, the prelid muscle casing is it follows that conceded 1 mm under the better brink of the lid, and it follows that the stitches exit from the better skin brink of the opening and the sutures are fixed in a live secure, causing the tolerant to approachable their eyes in order to observe whether the better lid gather width is appropriate and whether the skin on the poorer piece of the opening is bloated or overly tense.

3、Suture dying surgery

If the patient’s eyelashes are somewhat overturned in the eyelid surgery and the skin underneath the opening fits the lid well, the width of the suture among the skin and the lid is appropriate. If the width is appropriate in the intermediate, the sutures are it follows that sutured in sequence, and the sutures need to be based on the bend of the lid margin, which is more often than not not fixed former, and it follows that fixed in the manner of all the sutures are done.

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